Tribute (detail)
Diversity and Inclusion Statement
Diversity, inclusion, and tolerance are integral elements to a successful classroom experience. Through my methods of teaching I strive to create a safe space for students to work and discuss ideas openly and without personal judgement. I provide projects, including personal narrative prompts to help students to explore their own identities, while also learning more about and becoming open to others who surround them. Critiques are structured in a way where all participants are encouraged to listen with open minds and offer critical feedback that points out strengths, but also addresses weaknesses in a way that is insightful and useful. When students learn compassion and authenticity with those who differ from them, they become empowered as a classroom unit.
While teaching at several culturally diverse universities and colleges, I have encountered people of varying ethnicity, gender identity and expression, religious background, sexual orientation, faith, financial/social status, and mental or physical ability. Each student comes to the classroom with their own unique personality and diverse background. I strive, as the leader of these classrooms to promote inclusion and an importance of compassion when learning about and discussing topics ranging from the most personal to global issues. Every student has helped me continue to work toward navigating the landscape of difficult conversations to create a safe space where all are heard and respected for their differences.
As a woman in the sculpture field, I have been challenged to think deeper about how I lead my own studio practice and make work as well as how I lead the classroom. My experience provides me with an opportunity to help students overcome personal obstacles through a collaborative teaching environment which fosters an inclusive culture of respect, equality, and social responsibility. Teaching art specifically provides the opportunity for students to learn creative problem solving skills both in and outside studio practice. I work to address students about how we can each help each other improve upon the other’s idea, and not change it to suit our own personal desires. There is great importance in instilling in students the significance of entering spaces and approaching artists and their work with open minds, especially when they come with their own strong beliefs or ideas. My goal is to encourage students to use the classroom as a resource to learn together, work together, and become a unifying force of positive and socially engaged citizens.